Discliaimer : What Ever i have written below is from my personal
experiences with net4.in. This is written so that you people would
read each and every line of the document they have sent and not
just listen to any telemarketter before choosing to buy service from
I think the net4.in company has cheated me.
Net4Domain Cyber Wallet or Net4 Cyberwallet Partner prograam Allows you
to buy .com domains 446 against the regular price 600 Rs which they charge
per domain.
I had used net4domain for 5 years since they launched their service with their
yellow coloured website.
This year some telemarketter from net4 called me and told me I would be
able to buy domains for a much cheaper rate than the 600 I am paying
They kept on calling and finally i decided to buy the service and I paid
10,000 Rs . They told me i would be able to buy around 28 domains at
a discounted price,
I kept on buying the domain. Finally I found the savings from oreiginal
price of 600 is going to something called a free wallet account .
I had over 6000 Rs in my free wallet account . I called them and told
I cand buy domains with 6000 . It was then they told me that I can only
buy email and hosting with the account.
I did send them a mail telling that I cant use their hosting and email
service for reliability & availability reasona and allow me to buy
domains . I never received any replay. I spoke to many of their
respresentative and never got a reply. Their helpdesk is also horrible
I had a really bad time trying to get the auth codes.
Tell U email comes free with most of the domain registration and
hosting is too expensive with them and more over they done have
a reliable server, with their servers it has been down several times
when I had used their service. I did use their service once and
moved to another provider.
My recomendation is go for godaddy.com where u can buy domains
at a very low price & for hostin use ixwebhosting.com where u can
host any number of domains for peanuts.
I moved away from a company that was cheating me to a reliable
provider like godaddy & ixwebhosting & from the very first month
I am getting profits on domain registration.